This page hopefully contains everything you could possibly need to know about
Lost Account ID? Sorry, we don't recover account IDs. Write it down somewhere safe.
What makes different? We keep it simple. Fast uploads, fast downloads, no bullshit.
Privacy? We don't log IPs or track who uploads/downloads what. Your stuff is your business.
File Size Limit? Upload whatever size you want.
Bandwidth Limits? None. Go wild.
File Expiry? (Free Accounts) Starts at 15 days. Each download adds 3 days (max 45 days).
Get 15+ downloads every 45 days = file lives forever.
Need permanent storage? Check our paid plans.
DMCA/Takedowns? We're India-based. Only respond to Indian court orders.
We don't check uploads. Your content = your responsibility.
How is Funded? Through paid plans, user donations and minimal ads.
Check our pricing for premium features.
Why do there be bad nasty ads?
The reasons ads are sometimes malicious are that not many advertisers want to advertise on sites associated with piracy, therefore limiting the
choices of ads and having more malicious ads.
Site looks basic? Yeah, because it fucking works.
We spend resources on speed & uptime, not fancy UI.