Fast, minimal and reliable file hosting service.

Webhook Notifications

Get notified when shit happens to your files. We'll send HTTP POST requests to your URL whenever something important happens.


  1. Go to account settings
  2. Add your webhook URL (HTTPS only)
  3. We'll retry failed requests 3 times
  4. Discord webhooks get auto-formatted with proper embeds


Header Description Example
X-Buzzheavier-Signature HMAC SHA256 signature
X-Buzzheavier-Event Buzzheavier event type FILE_EXPIRY
User-Agent Buzzheavier HTTP client user agent Buzzheavier-Webhook/1.0


Event Type When it's sent
FILE_EXPIRY When a file expires

Payload Example

  "event_type": "FILE_EXPIRY",
  "timestamp": "2024-02-20T15:04:05Z",
  "data": {
    "id": "abc123def456",
    "name": "document.pdf",
    "expired_at": "2024-02-20T15:04:05Z",
    "directory_id": "xyz789"

Verify Requests

Every webhook request includes a signature. Here's how to verify it:

// Your webhook secret from settings page
secret = "your_webhook_secret"

// Get signature from header
signature = request.headers["X-Buzzheavier-Signature"]

// Calculate expected signature
payload = request.body
expected = hmac_sha256(secret, payload)

// Compare (use constant time comparison)
if signature == expected {
    // Request is from Buzzheavier


  • HTTPS URLs only
  • 3 retries for failed requests
  • 5 second timeout per request
  • Max payload size: 64KB